Friday, December 27, 2019


SGS11 is great for multimedia whilst BB is good for business! It depends on what you use your phone for! There are firmware updates already out for BB that improve it's battery life anyway. A lot of people are complaining about the battery life of this phone. All in all I find the features of this phone outstanding just the battery life. 9900 os

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SGS11 is great for multimedia whilst BB is good for business!

Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Bold

I use my BB for business and have an iphone 4 for multimedia. The playbook and the torch were more than ok, while the had some problem. Is it my fone or what but by end of half day the battery is almost flat and I mean I'm hardly on it?.

9900 os

It could be software which means you need to update to the latest version and also learn how to use your phone efficiently. I love this handset! Steve, 29 Nov This is a very gud fone how much is the prize.

I'm using a Torch before and so impressed with it but now I'm using iPhone and I want to buy a new Blackberry phone.

Leaked OS for the BlackBerry Bold 9900

Good luck in whatever you choose! Already installed leak os 7.

9900 os

Irrespective of the fact that these new BB products aren't durable simply because they are produced with fragile parts, the least Blackberry could do for oa customers was to put in a mAh battery so as to enable it have more usage time. People that received the first batch of the BB had problems because when it comes to any product there are always problems with the first batch.

9900 os

Personally I'd get BB! It depends on what you use your phone for!

I honestly love the blackberry phones. OnePlus 7 Pro review. The main problem is that the battery empties very fast even when not using 3G network,the battery should be charged two times a day,that is a real problem when you are in work.

All in all I find the features of this phone outstanding just the battery life. SGS make a li'll bit of this and that!

BlackBerry Bold Touch - User opinions and reviews - page

Newest first Oldest first Best rating. There are firmware updates already out for BB that improve it's battery life anyway. Total of user reviews and opinions for BlackBerry Bold Touch To all bb users who are facing problems with the battery life i advise you to upgrade your software to os 7. Don't get me wrong Ls is still a good handset!

Some older models last longer than these new models. A lot of people are complaining about the battery life of this phone. It looks much better 2: I would recommend a torch rather than The camera although it HD but still lower than average when compared to other P HD,it is the fact that the camera is very simillar to that of torch,because when I used the 2 mobile phone their images where slightly different even in vedio capture.

This BB looks like a curve with a Bold keyboard that's all.

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